Vispiron Power Solutions and its partner Maxsun have successfully installed and commissioned its first photovoltaic power plant in Middle East.

The PV Plant was built on an area of seven hectares and generates an annual yield of 6.7 GWh of electricity. cooperation with project developer "Maxsun ", the 3.5 MW PV Plant was successfully commissioned after a construction period of merely a few weeks. The project is 100% financed by both Vispiron Power Solutions and Maxsun. Optimistic about further projects in Middle East.

"The realization of the project in Middle East is considered as a milestone for the company and a demonstration of its impressive performance portfolio", says Florian Schönberger, Managing Director of Vispiron.

Professional cooperation with local authorities and partners

However Schönberger praises the cooperation with the local authorities and partners in Middle East. "The cooperation was extremely positive and very professional. There is a high degree of open-mindedness and trust towards the technology, as well as towards international business partners and investors." (HCN)

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